Friday, May 5, 2017

May 5, 2017

News From Second Grade - 5/5/17

Dear Parents,

Landmarks Presentations - Wow, what a GREAT job everyone did with their projects and sharing their wealth of information.  Thank you for coming in to see all the landmarks that our hard working second graders created!  They are an AWESOME group of learners! In order to keep the hallways clear, we are asking that all projects make it home on or before Friday, May 12th. Thank you!
         Measurement - Students in Mrs Wight class have been working on learning how to read a thermometer, both standard and metric. They will be working more next week on measuring weight in both systems.  Mrs. Lee’s students have built a Mr. Gallon to help them understand how to convert cups to pints, quarts, and gallons, etc. Next week we will begin taking a closer look at liters and milliliters. Mrs. Lavoie’s class is working on measuring with inches, feet, yard, mile and has started the Metric system. We will finish up early next week, and all students will rotate to the next area of study, Lavoie to measuring capacity, Wight to working on length, and Lee to measuring temperature and weight.  Students will continue to get extra practice in their own classes throughout May and June.  
         Skills - We are finishing up on working with prefixes and will be taking a closer look at suffixes beginning next week after our introductory lesson. Some prefixes can be tricky as students are finding.
Fidget toys - We are beginning to see a lot of students coming to school with fidget toys. Please read the information below.

The Second Grade Teachers

**Menu Change-  5/16 - Roast Pork,  5/18- Cheeseburger

  Calendar of Upcoming Events May
5/8 - 5/12 - Book Fair 11am-1pm
5/13 - PTA May Fair & Bike Rodeo 10:30am-1:30pm
5/22 - Kindergarten Parent Night
5/23 - Visual & Performing Arts Night 6pm-7pm
5/23 & 5/24 - Kindergarten Screening
5/29 - Holiday No School!
6/13 - Workshop Day! No School for Students
6/16 - Field Day (All Day)
6/19 - Step Up Day (AM)
6/20 - Last Student Day (1/2 Day for Students)

(to read the full article, go to the above link.)

There's a new trend literally spinning its way around the world, from classrooms to social media. But is it actually doing what it's marketed to do?
Washington DC’s Top News reports that some fidget spinners – small top-like gadgets you can spin fast with your fingers, meant to help children focus – are advertised as stress relievers on Amazon, and are even being touted as "perfect for ADD, ADHD, anxiety and autism."
"Fidgets are great tools for kids who need them, as long as there are ground rules set up with the child and educator in advance, and as long as the child can follow the rules.

Fidget spinners, a type of "fidget object," could actually be counterproductive.
Fidget objects are meant to be felt, so that visual attention can be focused on the teacher.

At our staff meeting on Wednesday Mr. Brown made the decision that fidget tools are allowed only for students who have an IEP (Individual Educational Plan) that specifically states that a fidget is part of the plan.

Thursday, April 27, 2017


News From Second Grade - 4/28/17

Dear Parents,

We are back in session and it is nice to have all of the snow gone and spring weather arriving.  It sounds like everyone had an enjoyable break filled with a variety of activities!
Landmarks Presentations - We welcome you to join us on Friday, May 5 from 8:30 - 9:30.  Each second grader will be set up in his/her classroom ready and excited to share what they have learned as well as their project they made.  Feel free to stop by all second grade classrooms during that time.
         Measurement - Now that June is fast approaching and we need to make sure that all standards are taught, we feel that doubling up on math is needed.  Students will be working in both standard and metric measurement beginning on Monday.  Mrs. Lee will be teaching length, Mrs. Lavoie will focus on weight and temperature, and Mrs. Wight will be teaching volume.
         Skills - This week all second graders learned about prefixes and how they “fix” themselves to the beginning of a word to change the words meaning. Students will be practicing that skill in their afternoon reading classes for several days.  As a second grader they are responsible for understanding some basic prefixes and the new meaning of the word they make.
Science - What a great time to work on our next science standard, “  Understands processes that change and shape the earth (e.g. erosion, plate tectonics”.  Students are currently learning landforms and waterforms and will be moving on to the layers of the Earth.  We have already discusses slow and fast land changes, but will continue to review that concept.
Special Guest Presentation - Patti McGrum from Maine Agri Women came in and did an amazing presentation on Maine’s largest crop, potatoes! She discussed potatoes from seed to harvest and after! It was very informative and the children asked great questions. Each classroom also received a new book.
The Second Grade Teachers

  Calendar of Upcoming Events April & May
5/8 - 5/12 - Book Fair 11am-1pm
5/13 - PTA May Fair & Bike Rodeo 10:30am-1:30pm
5/22 - Kindergarten Parent Night
5/23 - Visual & Performing Arts Night 6pm-7pm
5/23 & 5/24 - Kindergarten Screening
5/29 - Holiday No School!
6/13 - Workshop Day! No School for Students
6/16 - Field Day (All Day)
6/19 - Step Up Day (AM)
6/20 - Last Student Day (1/2 Day for Students)

Thursday, March 23, 2017

March 24, 2017

Dear Parents,

Maple Syrup Field Trip - A big “Thank You” to the Pierce family and Mr. Fleet for providing a “Hands on” learning experience opportunity for our second graders.  They were able to collect and taste the sap, pour it into the collection tank, see and learn about the evaporator, and enjoy a snack and maple syrup while listening to a story.  What a surprise for everyone with the maple syrup treats to take home! Thank you also to the parent chaperones as well.
Landmarks, Monuments, Statues, and National Parks throughout the USA - This week we all gathered together as a second grade class to kick off our next unit in Social Studies.  Students are all eager to learn more about the country they live in.  They also remembered as a first grader coming up to see all the projects that last year’s second graders did.  They are excited about making their own projects.  More about that coming soon.  
The Second Grade Teachers

  Calendar of Upcoming Events March/April
3/31 - Pick a Better Snack- Please send in your Bingo sheets for a prize!
4/5 - PTA Meeting
4/6 - Title One Night 6pm-7pm
4/11 & 4/13 - Parent/Teacher conferences - If you have not sent in your sign up for conferences, please do that ASAP.  If we do not receive anything from you, we will sign you up at a time we have in our schedule.
4/17-4/21 - April Vacation Week
4/25 & 4/26 - Tooth Fairies         

Thursday, March 9, 2017

March 10, 2017

News From Second Grade - 3/10/17

Dear Parents,
Memoir Project- Beginning next week students will be using their notes from their interviews to write their memoirs.  This will be a wonderful opportunity to work on their writing skills and practice writing remembering to incorporate all the 6 Traits into their piece (Ideas, Organization, Word Choice, Sentence Fluency,  Voice, Conventions.)
Pierce’s Sugar House - We are very thankful to the Pierces for inviting us to see their maple sap to maple syrup operation. Students will have the opportunity to learn about tapping the trees, the maple syrup process and enjoy a story “Grandpa’s Sugar Bush”.  To top that off they will get to sample a bit of ice cream with maple syrup.  
Rug Rat Skiing - Thursday, March 23rd.   All students will be required to bring their own lunch, drink and snacks.  
Beginning Monday, March 13th each school day until April vacation will be extended by one hour to help recover the lost teaching time from the storms in February.  Dismissal will be 3:20.

3/17 - There will be school on this day!  Lunch will be Hot Dog, Baked Beans, Fruit Choice or Wowbutter & Fluff

The Second Grade Teachers

  Calendar of Upcoming Events March/April

3/16 -Field Trip to Pierce’s Sugar House
3/18 - Hugs for Hailey Daddy Daughter Dance Fundraiser @ 6pm-8pm
3/23 - Rug Rat Full Day of Skiing - (8:30 - 2:00)     
3/24 - End of Trimester 2
3/31 - Pick a Better Snack
4/5 - PTA Meeting
4/6 - Title One Night 6pm-7pm
4/11 & 4/13 - Parent/Teacher conferences - Sign up coming at a later date
4/17-4/21 - April Vacation Week
4/25 & 4/26 - Tooth Fairies


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

March 3, 2017

News From Second Grade - 3/3/17

Dear Parents,

Happy March Days to you!  Hard to believe spring is around the corner.  It does not look that way on the playground, so please keep sending your child to school with snow gear.  It is either cold or wet out there these days.

NWEA Testing Continued
Math & Reading
*Other than make-ups
Math 8:10 - 9:10
Monday, March 6th
Reading 9:20 - 10:20
Monday, March 6th
Math 9:20 - 10:20
Tuesday, March 7th

Memoir Project- On Wednesday we gathered together to talk about our Memoir Project.  We watched “When I was Young in the Mountains” by Cynthia Rylant.  This story helped our writers get an understanding of a memoir.  A memoir is a historical account or memories that an individual writes about moments or events, both public or private, that took place in someone’s life.  We are asking all second graders to interview an adult of their choice and focus on a memorable event in their special person’s life.  It is very important that the notes are turned in by March 10th because our young authors will be using those notes to become a storyteller and write a memoir.  
Cross Country Skiing - There is a final ski day planned on Tuesday March 7th for all kids who have been Nordic skiing this year.  This includes grades 2-5.
Rug Rat Skiing - Thanks to Nancy Barstow and the generosity of Sunday River we will be having another full day of skiing to make up for the days missed due to snow days.  Our full day of skiing will be on Thursday, March 23rd.  We will leave school at 8:30am and return to school before the end of the school day at  2:00pm. This will enable us to dismiss as usual.  All students will be required to bring their own lunch, drink and snacks.  We are very excited to have this added opportunity for our students because we know how much they have enjoyed it! We will send a reminder home before the big day!
The Second Grade Teachers

  Calendar of Upcoming Events March
Rug Rat Full Day of Skiing - Thursday, March 23     
3/31 - Pick a Better Snack         

Thursday, February 2, 2017

February 3, 2017

News From Second Grade - 2/3/17

Dear Parents,

Valentines Party - Valentines Day falls on a Tuesday this year.  Your child has a Valentines list with names of all second graders and support staff in case you want your child to give a Valentine to a special teacher.  They do not need to give a Valentine to students in the other second grade classes, but they do need to have a Valentine for each member of their own classroom.  (We don’t want to hurt feelings on such an important day!)  If your child needs help in purchasing Valentines’ let your child’s teacher know and we can help with that.

NWEA Update: NWEA testing takes place prior to February vacation.  Below is our second grade tests being taken and the dates and times.  Please make sure your child comes to school on-time and well rested on each testing day.

The Second Grade Teachers
NWEA Testing Schedule

2/13 (Mon.) 8:00-9:10
2/15 (Wed.)  8:00 - 9:10
2/14 (Tues.)   8:00 - 9:10
2/14 (Tues.) 9:15-10:20
2/13 (Mon.) 9:15 - 10:20
2/16 (Thurs.)   8:00 - 9:10

  Calendar of Upcoming Events February
Grades 2 & 3 Cross Country Skiing is every Wednesday & Thursday
2/7 (Tuesday) Last Day for Rugrats Skiing
2/7 Wave -in-a-bottle due
2/20-2/24 February Vacation                   

Valentine’s Exchange - Snack/Party

Our Valentine Exchange - class party is scheduled for February 14 from 9 - 10am for Mrs. Lee’s class (1pm - 2ish for students in Mrs. Lavoie and Wight’s classes).  If you can supply a drink, healthy snack, or a sweet treat, please cut and return the slip below. Thanks

I can donate _____________________________________ for the snack party.

Parent’s signature_______________________  student’s name ______________________

Sunday, January 29, 2017

News From Second Grade - 1/27/17

Dear Parents,
Literacy: Work continues on practicing the important skill of how to write a summary. Second graders are getting lots of structured practice and are coming along nicely with this skill.
Math: Math units (Lee - Graphing, Lavoie - Money, and Wight - Geometry) are well underway and students are learning and practicing the skills needed for success in these units.
         Science: Second graders are learning and reviewing for completion of our next science standard focusing around the Structures and Properties of Matter including. Solids, Liquids and Gases. Students are being exposed to investigations that allow them to describe and classify different kinds of materials based on their properties.
         Other:  Kate, our Pick a Better Snack Lady, came today.  Please find information on her lesson along with the new Bingo sheets in your child’s folder. Remember Bingo sheets need to be in before the next Pick a Better Snack date to receive a prize for completing a row on the bingo card.  Our next date coming right up on 2/10.  It is early this month due to February break.
Also, please don’t forget that we are still collecting donations for the Valentine Project to support Rumford and Portland Homeless Shelters. There are collection boxes located in the lobby of CPS. Thank you for helping your children learn about kindness and compassion for others! :-)
       The Second Grade Teachers

  Calendar of Upcoming Events           

Grades 2 & 3 Cross Country Skiing is every Wednesday & Thursday
Rugrats Dates:
1/30 (Monday)
1/31  Mystery Liquids due
2/1 PTA Meeting @ 6pm
2/6 (Monday)
2/7 Wave -in-a-bottle due
2/13 (Monday)
2/20-2/24 February Vacation
Rug Rat pick up - Please arrive at the River-House at Sunday River by 3:50pm or at The Crescent Park School by 4:20pm.  It will be helpful if you can pack your child an extra snack on Rugrat days.