Thursday, December 15, 2016

December 16, 2016

News From Second Grade - 12/16/16

Dear Parents,

Season’s Greetings from second grade!  Monday night is our K - 2 music concert.  Mrs. Stowell has been working hard preparing the students for the show.  It is very important that your child attends this annual concert.  Please send your child to their classroom at 5:45pm.  It is helpful if you hold onto their coats.  We will be dismissing students from the concert after the final song.  
If you plan to send in food, beverage, or paper products to your child’s classroom for the holiday party, please let their teacher know.  The party is taking place on Tuesday, December 20th at 1:00pm.  Secret Santa gifts should arrive by Monday, December 19th.  If you need any help with this, let us know.  
Our first Rugrats date is Friday, January 20th.  More information will be coming home when we are back in session.  You will have the opportunity to pick your child up at Sunday River or at the Crescent Park School.  
There will be no official homework until after vacation, but please keep your child reading while they are on break.
Happy Holidays!

       The Second Grade Teachers

Calendar of Upcoming Events           December/January
12/19 - Gr. K -2  Holiday Concert @ 6pm           
12/21 - Last student day before Christmas Break (dismissal at 11:30)    
Rugrats Dates:
1/20 (Friday)
1/23 (Monday)
1/30 (Monday)
2/6 (Monday)
2/13 (Monday)
2/27 (Monday)                                                                                

Merry Christmas to all!

Saturday, December 3, 2016

December 2, 21016

News From Second Grade - 12/2/16

Dear Parents,
Spelling - What a great job everyone did on their spelling review projects.  They thoroughly enjoyed sharing their creative efforts.  Next week we begin our lesson 10 with the spelling rule “ew” says  “oo” as in dew, grew, etc.  Students will also be receiving the next No Excuses Word List to work on for the next eight weeks.  
         Pick a Better Snack -   Reminder - Our next nutrition visit is on December 9th.  If your second grader is to receive a prize, he/she needs to return the BINGO card on or before this date.  
Writing -  Students are enjoying some persuasive stories that we are reading in class.  We have also begun working on what a persuasive/opinion piece of writing looks like.  One of our second grade writing standards is: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.2.1
Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply reasons that support the opinion, use linking words (e.g., because, and, also) to connect opinion and reasons, and provide a concluding statement or section.  We are working as a whole class to write our first piece and then students will try a few on their own.  Their goal in their opinion writing is to have three supporting reasons, reach the readers emotions, include facts, show how it will benefit the reader, and to avoid threatening.  
Reading/Math - We are working to progress monitor students in addition to moving ahead in reading to compare/contrast stories and work on our expression and fluency.  Math continues to find us working on mastering our facts, practice regrouping in addition, clock practice, and reviewing math concepts previously taught, but not mastered by all.
        Holiday Plans - We will be planning for our class parties/gift exchange and will give you that information in next’s weeks class letter.  
       The Second Grade Teachers

Calendar of Upcoming Events           December
12/2 - Trimester 1 Grades Close
12/3 - Breakfast with Santa
12/9 - Rug Rat forms due (You will be receiving a revised schedule prior to the start of Rugrats.)
12/15 - Gr. 3 - 5 Holiday Concert @ 6pm                   
12/19 - Gr. K -2  Holiday Concert @ 6pm           
12/21 - Last student day before Christmas Break (half day)