Sunday, January 29, 2017

News From Second Grade - 1/27/17

Dear Parents,
Literacy: Work continues on practicing the important skill of how to write a summary. Second graders are getting lots of structured practice and are coming along nicely with this skill.
Math: Math units (Lee - Graphing, Lavoie - Money, and Wight - Geometry) are well underway and students are learning and practicing the skills needed for success in these units.
         Science: Second graders are learning and reviewing for completion of our next science standard focusing around the Structures and Properties of Matter including. Solids, Liquids and Gases. Students are being exposed to investigations that allow them to describe and classify different kinds of materials based on their properties.
         Other:  Kate, our Pick a Better Snack Lady, came today.  Please find information on her lesson along with the new Bingo sheets in your child’s folder. Remember Bingo sheets need to be in before the next Pick a Better Snack date to receive a prize for completing a row on the bingo card.  Our next date coming right up on 2/10.  It is early this month due to February break.
Also, please don’t forget that we are still collecting donations for the Valentine Project to support Rumford and Portland Homeless Shelters. There are collection boxes located in the lobby of CPS. Thank you for helping your children learn about kindness and compassion for others! :-)
       The Second Grade Teachers

  Calendar of Upcoming Events           

Grades 2 & 3 Cross Country Skiing is every Wednesday & Thursday
Rugrats Dates:
1/30 (Monday)
1/31  Mystery Liquids due
2/1 PTA Meeting @ 6pm
2/6 (Monday)
2/7 Wave -in-a-bottle due
2/13 (Monday)
2/20-2/24 February Vacation
Rug Rat pick up - Please arrive at the River-House at Sunday River by 3:50pm or at The Crescent Park School by 4:20pm.  It will be helpful if you can pack your child an extra snack on Rugrat days.                                                                                

Saturday, January 21, 2017

January 20, 2017

News From Second Grade - 1/20/17

Dear Parents,
Although we have had another short week, we were able to accomplish a lot.  
Literacy: Being able to retell a story and write a summary is a skill that second graders should be able to do by the end of the year.  We began looking at short stories this week writing summaries for them using the S.W.B.S.T. strategy.  This stands for Somebody, Wanted, But, So and Then. Learning this strategy allows for kids to be successful in telling the important parts of a story. We are also working on fact and opinions and understanding how to tell them apart. This is an important skill for students to understand as they work on their opinion pieces in writing.
Math: We have all begun teaching different math units to our whole class.  Once we have completed our study within our own classroom, we will rotate students and teach the lessons to another class (Lee - Graphing, Lavoie - Money, and Wight - Geometry).  We are also spending some time each morning to practice our addition and subtraction with and without regrouping.  
Geometry Padlet: Thanks for your patience with the padlet.  I forgot to add writing rights - OOPS.  It is now all set! In case you lost the link:  Go to the tab marked Geometry Padlet.  It seems that this blog is not supported by I-Pads or Tablets. Keep in mind that the activities will change and new ones will be put in place on the weekend.
       The Second Grade Teachers

  Calendar of Upcoming Events           

Grades 2 & 3 Cross Country Skiing is every Wednesday & Thursday
Rugrats Dates:
1/23 (Monday)
1/30 (Monday)
2/6 (Monday)
2/13 (Monday)
Rug Rat pick up - Please arrive at the River-House at Sunday River by 3:50pm or at The Crescent Park School by 4:20pm.  It will be helpful if you can pack your child an extra snack on Rugrat days.  

Saturday, January 14, 2017

January 13, 2017

News From Second Grade - 1/13/17

Dear Parents,

Most importantly, Rugrats starts a week from today.  Please make sure your child has warm and appropriate clothing to go to the mountain.  We will be sending a letter home on Thursday, January 19th, so that you can let us know who will be picking up your child and at which location.  Please arrive at the River-House at Sunday River by 3:50pm or at The Crescent Park School by 4:20pm.  It will be helpful if you can pack your child an extra snack on Rugrat days.  
We have noticed that there are many more children coming to school without a snack.  If anyone is willing to donate individually wrapped peanut free snacks (not drinks) to the classrooms it would be greatly appreciated.

       The Second Grade Teachers

Calendar of Upcoming Events           
  Grades 2 & 3 Cross Country Skiing is every Wednesday & Thursday
Rugrats Dates:
1/16 No School- MLK Jr. Day
1/20 (Friday)
1/23 (Monday)
1/30 (Monday)
2/6 (Monday)
2/13 (Monday)

Thursday, January 5, 2017

January 6, 2017

News From Second Grade - 1/5/17

Dear Parents,

It has been a quick week in second grade!  If you returned the parent blue survey we appreciate your thoughtful responses. Your feedback is very helpful for us to best meet the needs of your child.  If you have not returned it, please send it in as soon as possible.   
       It has been so nice to see everyone and catch up on the happenings of holidays and vacation.  We have been easing back into our routines and skills so we can be right on track for next week with new units.  
       Next week the whole school will be meeting to kick off the addition of a new core value.  This month’s core value is Dedication. Students will be exploring and practicing this new core value along with being Responsible, Respectful and Safe for Coyote Coupons.
       Have a great weekend!

       The Second Grade Teachers

Calendar of Upcoming Events           
Rugrats Dates:
Cross Country Skiing is Wednesdays & Thursdays
1/16 No School- MLK Jr. Day
1/20 (Friday)
1/23 (Monday)
1/30 (Monday)
2/6 (Monday)
2/13 (Monday)
2/27 (Monday)