Friday, October 21, 2016

October 21, 2016

News From Second Grade - 10/21/16
Dear Parents,
        We are cruising through October!
Donations towards eliminating Polio - On Monday the Bethel Rotary will be going room to room to collect donations that have been sent in and coloring (optional) any student’s pinkie finger with washable purple if they have donated.  If you have not donated, you can still send in your donations on Monday!  
         Reading - We have begun our afternoon reading groups, where we have grouped students to meet their reading needs.  Each group will focus on what their readers need; fluency, word work, comprehension (both verbal and written), and a lot of reading practice.
Science -What a fantastic Bird presentation we had on Monday with Paul Motts.  He brought in several mounted birds from the Audubon to talk about the characteristics of birds.  The students played a game where they needed to figure out the food and tool to match what a particular bird would eat and the tool to show the kind of beak the bird needed.  Mr. Motts ended the presentation by taking the students outside and doing a simulation on gathering food to prepare for migration.  
Writing - We continue to practice paragraph writing complete with learning how to indent at the beginning of each paragraph.  What a great connection to our whole group reading lessons on retelling a story.  As a class we wrote about the beginning, middle, and end of a story read to them.  This was a great opportunity to revisit paragraph writing.  More teaching on writing a topic sentence and adding details is coming their way.
Halloween Day - There will be a whole school Coyote Coupon Reward assembly on the morning of the 31st.  Part of our Coyote Celebration will be focused on the candy/small items that were donated. The CPS Parade begins at 1:30.  We will be having some Halloween related activities right after lunch and a quick Halloween snack just before getting ready for the parade.  We are thinking one sweet, one healthy snack, and something to drink.  If you are interested in providing one of the items mentioned, please contact your child’s teacher. Our snack will be from 1:00 to 1:15 and then still have time to put on costumes.  You are welcome to join us at 1:00 and parade with us.  
From the Office - The CPS/PTA will once again be organizing the Trick -or-Treating for Halloween; which is scheduled for Monday the 31st from 6 - 7.   Please help if you can!  We are asking for donations of peanut free candy or non-perishable small items.  Donations can be sent in anytime!  Thanks in advance for your generous contribution.

       Enjoy your weekend!!
       The Second Grade Teachers
     Calendar of Upcoming Events
10/25 - Picture retake day (AM)                    11/2 - Flu Shots for Elementary Students @ CPS
10/25, 26 & 27 - Tooth Fairies                       11/2 - PTA Meeting @ 6pm
10/31 - Halloween Parade @ 1:30pm             11/8 - Workshop Day
10/31 - Trick-or-Treating @ CPS 6pm-7pm     11/11 - Holiday

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